Thursday, 17 November 2011

Solar Boom & Bust to be avoided - DECC

On the 31st October 2011 the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) have acted, in their own words, to prevent boom and bust in the Solar industry.

"The proposals, subject to consultation, would introduce a new tariff for schemes up to 4kW in size of 21p/kWh – down from the current 43.3p/kWh. Reduced rates are also proposed for schemes between 4kW and 250kW, to ensure those schemes receive a consistent rate of return".

In addition, as from April 2012, homeowners will need to certify that their property reaches a certain level of (as yet unspecified) energy efficiency. This could include the energy performance certificate level C or taking up all the measures necessary for the Green Finance Deal.

So,  where does that leave us? Well, as things stand this is a consultation process and nothing has been finalised.....ok, we still have time to change things .....well No! actually, because the changes come into effect before the end of the consultation process, which is on the 23/12/2011, with the commissioned PV system needing to be installed and having its request for accreditation received by a FIT licensee prior to 11th December 2011.

Realistically, with the 11th December being a Sunday, then the latest a request for accreditation could be sent would be Thursday 8th December 2011.

Without wishing to rush you............ Contact us for a deadline busting installation now!


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

The momentum builds!

For as long as I can remember (and being nearly as old as Adam that's long!), people have been discussing the finite & delicate nature of our planet's resources. There never really seems to have been any genuine momentum, but is that changing now?

Whilst I look out of my window and still see people whizzing by in fossil fueled cars, my TV reports on another famine in Africa or some other distant part of the globe, and I still ache to help, and still feel as powerless as I did as a child. Power stations still burn coal, or do some scary magic with Nuclear pluto-unobtanium rods!

So, since my childhood in the sixties and seventies what's new? The cars look slicker, more modern, break down less, and are more efficient (although, thankfully, they don't look like the psuedo-rocket cars my imagination forecast aged seven!) we even see the occasional hybrid petrol-electric or the even rarer electric only car. Live Aid came along and Sir Bob and Midge helped us all to at least FEEL like we had helped a little. The TV I watch the news on is the one thing that looks most radically like what was envisaged for the future in the seventies. Wind farms have become a more common sight across the countryside, and coastline, but is momentum gathering?

A worldwide downturn in economic prosperity, it seems, has turned our thoughts towards saving resources. We are all looking to save money where possible, and energy costs being a principal household expenditure, it needs to be minimised.  A lot can be achieved by an adjustment to the way we go about our daily routines, you've heard it all before of course: turning lights off when not needed, not leaving TV, digi box, computer on standby. A well insulated home helps, it all does, saving a little here and there adds up in the long run. But how about a real change in speed, engaging second gear and feeling the momentum push us toward a less fossil dependant future.

Solar 'feed-in'tariff' have arrived, set up by the UK government and administered by your energy company, generating your own electricity now earns you a rebate, and the returns are not to be sniffed at, more information is available by following the link below.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Welcome to the PV Power Blog

Thanks for taking the time to view our blog, here we will be bringing you the latest news,views and opinions about all things green (energy related that is, no grass please!), renewable & sustainable energy sources.