"The proposals, subject to consultation, would introduce a new tariff for schemes up to 4kW in size of 21p/kWh – down from the current 43.3p/kWh. Reduced rates are also proposed for schemes between 4kW and 250kW, to ensure those schemes receive a consistent rate of return".
In addition, as from April 2012, homeowners will need to certify that their property reaches a certain level of (as yet unspecified) energy efficiency. This could include the energy performance certificate level C or taking up all the measures necessary for the Green Finance Deal.
So, where does that leave us? Well, as things stand this is a consultation process and nothing has been finalised.....ok, we still have time to change things .....well No! actually, because the changes come into effect before the end of the consultation process, which is on the 23/12/2011, with the commissioned PV system needing to be installed and having its request for accreditation received by a FIT licensee prior to 11th December 2011.
Realistically, with the 11th December being a Sunday, then the latest a request for accreditation could be sent would be Thursday 8th December 2011.
Without wishing to rush you............ Contact us for a deadline busting installation now!